Friday, 8 July 2011


  1. What is GPS?
    The technological advances of the last decade have brought about hitherto unimagined changes in the way we go about our lives.
  2. Global Positioning System
    The Global positioning System (GPS), formally known as the Navstar Global Positioning System, was first time used by united states to enhance the effectiveness of their allied military forces in 1973.
  3. GPS Capability
    Initially GPS is used for only Defense department of  United States but later on it is being more mainstream, now it is being used for general purpose too. GPS is a very powerful tools which works 24*7*365 continuously. It's location tracing power is highly accurate.
  4. How GPS Works?
    GPS or Global Positioning System is a technology for locating a person or an object in three dimensional space anywhere on the Earth or in the surrounding orbit. GPS is a very important invention of our time on account of the many different possibilities it brings.
  5. Benefits of GPS
    GPS or Global Positioning System was originally developed as a military navigation tool. However the technology has grown along with a sub set of supporting technologies to serve other requirements within consumer budgets.
  6. GPS Tracking and its Applications
    GPS technology was originally developed for defense purposes and later brought to the consumer market as a navigation technology.
  7. What is Differential GPS?
    Differential GPS (DGPS) is a land-based technology that works to improve the accuracy of GPS navigation. Differential GPS improves the accuracy to within two meters of the actual position for moving objects and even better for stationary situations. Differential GPS takes GPS to a much higher level- it becomes a tool for positioning things on a precise scale.
  8. How Accurate is GPS?
    The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system based on satellites. The GPS network operates on 24 satellites orbiting the earth. This system was initially developed by the US Department of Defense for military purposes. However the system was extended in the 1980s for civilian use. GPS works in all weather conditions and all over the world. GPS does not have any subscription fee of set up charges.
  9. How GPS Measures Distances? 
    We learned that GPS identifies the position of an object using distance measurements from at least three satellites. Let us now examine how distance from the satellites is calculated.
  10. Sources of GPS Error
    We have seen that the entire system of GPS is dependent on a network of 24 satellites orbiting the earth. While research and development work is still going on to develop more and more accurate systems, it would be a good idea to understand what the external sources of error are.
  11. Techniques to Improve GPS Accuracy
    GPS is the best navigation and tracking technology developed so far, with accuracy levels of within 4-20 meters or so of the actual position of the object being tracked. However many of the areas this technology is being used for need much better accuracy levels. This includes sectors like aviation. Research is on for improving the accuracy levels. Here is an overview of some of the add-on technologies that improve the accuracy of GPS readings.
  12. What is Trilateration?
    GPS receivers calculate the position of objects in two dimensional or three dimensional space using a mathematical process called trilaterlation. Trilateration can be either two dimensional or three dimensional. Let us examine how 2-D and 3-D trilateration work.
  13. What is WAAS? 
    WAAS or Wide Area Augmentation System is a system of satellites and ground stations that work with GPS to improve the quality of signals and rectify errors. The quality of the signals can be up to five times better with WAAS. A GPS receiver with WAAS can give a position accuracy of within three meters. Further, WAAS does not need additional equipment or service fees.
  14. GPS Tracking Systems
    Global Positioning System usually called GPS is the satellite navigation system that functions with the help of 27 Earth orbiting GPS satellites. Out of these 27, now 24 are offering services and 3 extras in case one fails. These satellites receive and transmit any radio signals for the GPS receiver on the earth. This provides accurate geographical location of the receiver with longitude, latitude and altitude.
  15. Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL)
    Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) is an advanced method used to track and monitor any remote vehicle equipped with a software unit that receives and transfers signals through GPS satellite. AVL is a combination of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) that provides actual geographic real time position of each vehicle.
  16. Fleet Tracking System
    GPS fleet tracking system offers effective fleet management and tracking solutions. The fleet tracking software allows professionals to monitor their fleet of vehicles at any point of time. This in turn helps in better management by reducing operating cost and delivering mobile assets more efficiently. The system also provides both dispatcher and customers near real-time information on the location and status of service and operators.
  17. GPS Tracking Software
    Today almost all vehicle-tracking systems use GPS or a combination of cellular and satellite transmitters to communicate the vehicle?s position. The information is later shown on the electronic map by using special tracking software via Internet. The GPS tracking software is not only used for locating any vehicle but also determining the position of vessels, wildlife, pet, satellite, marine tracking and also for mapping and navigation. Here we will discuss about the general procedure and also the types of tracking software.
  18. What industries are using GPS vehicle tracking software?
    The GPS vehicle tracking system not only helps in locating your personal vehicle at any point of time but also used by various industries including service, distribution, construction and transportation for better management by supervising their service vehicle; thereby increasing overall productivity of the respective industry.
  19. General benefits of a GPS vehicle tracking technology
    After mobile phones may be GPS is one of the most revolutionized technologies in 20 th and 21 st century. Whether you are an individual worried by the safety of your and your personal belongings or a businessman need to manage your business as far as vehicles are concerned, GPS tracking technology is the best option. GPS is increasingly becoming an essential part our day-to-day life as a tracking device whether a living body or any valuable object like vehicle or any other.
  20. GPS Asset Tracking
    GPS asset tracking service is applicable for both personal and business purposes to track assets that are remotely located or areas that are not come under any wireless network. This includes tracking trucks, containers, machinery thereby improving safety and efficiency. Tracking system is now an essential part in transportation, forestry, maritime and industries like mining, oil, gas and several others.
  21. GPS in Cargo Tracking
    Cargo Service is one the growing industry in worldwide today and GPS tracking system plays a major role. GPS tracking system are now widely used in all most all means of commercial transport including ship, plane, train, van, truck or other cargo container. So GPS is used by people for navigation in vehicles of all types all over world. As far as Cargo industry is concerned today all most all types of automobiles are equipped with GPS receivers and proofs to be beneficial in many ways.
  22. GPS Tracking Map
    The Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) works simultaneously for many purposes like vehicle tracking, locating any object, tracking, navigating, mapping and timing. So mostly this technology is widely used for determining the position of an object and measuring distance. However, the whole technology is based on maps. Maps taken by satellites and then the application of GIS technology make the whole process successful.
  23. Real Time & Passive Vehicle Tracking System
    GPS tracking systems are generally of two categories and are categorized according to their functions. One is real time vehicle tracking system and other is passive vehicle tracking system. The former one is little more costly than the later with some additional technological features that provide instant data transformation. But both are useful in providing accurate location reports. The difference is only the message delivery time but as far as other features are concerned both can provide software and mapping solution to make different devices for several application.
  24. How GPS Can Be Used
    Using the common cellular phone network, GPS is now widely used in tracking the location of all kinds of vehicle. The automatic vehicle tracking system is a combination of GPS and Geographical Information System (GIS) that enables users both at personal as well as corporate level in tracking vehicle. The tracking devices attached in motor vehicle automatically update about location, speed, distance etc. Hence, time-by-time notification helps in fixing schedules thereby offering better fleet management.  
  25. Factors responsible for GPS signal errors
    The GPS receiver requires the current time, the orbital position of the satellite and a measurement of signal delay. Calculating accurate co-ordinates of an object primarily depends on three data. To measure the signal delay, the receiver prepares an identical sequence of the Coarse-acquisition (C/A) code and compares it with the sequence received from the satellite. The changes in bit transition can be calculated an approx. of 10 nanoseconds for the code. As the signal travels at a speed equal to the light, the net error can be taken as 3 meters.
  26. GPS in Geocaching Games
    Geocaching is an outdoor treasure haunting game that requires GPS receivers in order to find out a cache. Geocachers search an undercover treasure by using the co-ordinates of the cache through Internet and then go for finding out the hideout place of the cache.
  27. Basics of Global Positioning System
    The Global Positioning System is originally a part of Navigation System with Timing and Range (NAVSTAR) was developed by US Department of Defense. The concept of GPS first developed in the late 1960?s but the first satellite was lunched in the year 1978 and the last one in the series of 24 earth orbiting satellite was placed into orbit in June of 1993. Its main purpose was only for military purpose including 24 hours navigation capabilities for navy and air forces. Since then it has become an important part in various civilian application, industries, and for recreational activities.
  28. Purchasing the right GPS unit
    Yes, now you can find the use of Global Positioning System in various ways including in your car, your watch, mobile phone, fleet, boat and various others. The primary aim is to find our exact location or calculate the location of an object and hence GPS becomes one of the prerequisite objects in our day-to-day life. Earlier though it was bit expensive but now it is affordable for average person and various technologies of GPS are available in the market. So, it becomes essential for everyone to choose the right one according to his/her needs. Lets look at some vital things that one should consider before buying a GPS unit.
  29. GPS in Health Improvement & Physical Training
    The quality of health is now one of the most concerned topics in all over the world that advocates physical training. Today, there are numerous technologies available in the market as far as physical training is concerned. GPS heart rating monitor and GPS enable running watch is playing an important role in making a daily schedule of exercise. These are primarily useful for those who are desperate to come out from any serious disease or surgery.
  30. GPS in Air navigation
    Global Positioning System or GPS is now the principal navigation system that provides location of any object on the earth with accuracy. It is also used in shipping, automobile and other industries for navigational purposes. As far as the aviation industry is concerned GPS is used for both visual navigation and normal object guidance when it becomes impossible for pilot to locate the destinations? position due to bad weather or at night. Anyhow GPS assists the pilot in landing airplanes at the exact location, as it requires maximum accuracy.
  31. How GPS is Different from ADF & VOR in Air Navigation
    The principal aim of air navigation is for successfully piloting the airplane without getting lost, breaking aircraft laws or endangering the safety of the passenger. We know it?s really impossible to determine the position of an aircraft at such a high speed and depends on their amount of fuel for their safety. So it's important for the pilot to know the exact location of the aircraft time by time. Aircrafts are generally navigated under the Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). In case of IFR, the pilots are permitted to navigate with the help of instruments and other radio navigation devices. Where as in case of VFR pilot moves forward by using direction, speed, time and distance of travel along with visual observation.
  32. GPS services in mobile phones
    For nearly a decade ago technology visionaries were talking about a technology that people can use in their cell phones to get direction, track their friends, keep an eye on any special object, kids tracking or simply find the nearest hotel or hospital. Now finally those kinds of services are finally starting with the help of Global Positioning System (GPS) that makes our life simpler and smother.
  33. Role of maps and compass after GPS
    Maps and compass are two of the most essential equipments for navigation. As far as finding yourself in from a particular point to another or determining your exact location in a unfamiliar territory is concerned, instead of the conventional maps and compass, the Global Positioning System (GPS) is now playing a vital role. However, GPS alone can?t complete the process of navigation and works with the help of these two equipments.
  34. GPS Terminology
    Here are some of the most common words that you will come across while reading any article in any website related to GPS. These will provide you basic idea of its functions and how GPS deals with these things.
  35. GPS and it?s Competitors
    Global Positioning System or GPS is developed and now completely operated by the United State?s Department of Defense. US possess the exclusive right to shut down or restrict its use at any point of time. From the development of this technology, its been widely used in all over the world for various purpose and now one of the most popular technology of this twenty first century. Though global positioning system is free for civilian use but for commercial purpose one has to pay a considerable amount according to its use.
  36. GPS Smart Shoes
    GPS tracking shoes these days became a trend because of their valuable and diverse services. There are several companies involve in manufacturing different models of GPS tracking shoes.
  37. Growing Consumer Interest in GPS Product: Market Research
    In our busy life schedule, it becomes important to keep everything in time in order to ourselves with the pace of the time. But that again deals with retain of timely information and this is where the Global Positioning System comes into effect. People of various developed and also in developing countries are more or less relying on GPS devices for various purposes.
  38. New satellites to compete with GPS
    As Global Positioning System (GPS) is solely owned by United State?s Department of Defense (DoD), other European Union countries and Russia trying to establish their own satellite navigation systems. The new location based service would be more precise and profitable compared to GPS.
  39. GIS and GPS will craft municipal work well-organized
    GPS in its varied application is now becoming popular in every field not only in travel or transport but also in personal safety, child tracking and now in civic work.
  40. GPS Antenna
  41. GPS PDAs
  42. GPS Car
  43. Free GPS Software
  44. GPS Map
  45. GPS Mapping Software  

    People around the world mostly use GPS for tracking their cell phones. GPS works on radio signals sent by satellites. Cell phone tracking means knowing the current location of the mobile phone.

  1. GPS for Fleet Vehicles
    Global Positioning System uses satellites to determine the position, the position can be of an individual, a fleet, a vehicle or of a device.
  2. Overview of Fleet Tracking Systems
    Fleet tracking systems is the process of tracking and monitoring the movement of fleets. GPS (Global Positioning System) is the contemporary method used for tracking the fleets. Fleet tracking by GPS helps an owner to keep an eye on the fleet and it's location.
  3. How Fleet Tracking Systems Works
    Fleet vehicle tracking systems are designed to track the daily activity and motion of fleet vehicles. Most of the tracking systems installed in the fleet today are using A-GPS (Assisted Global Positioning System) and GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technologies.